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The Golden Wheel of Wisdom Tibetan Astrological Amulet   [Jamyang Serkhor]

In TIBET,  the making of amulets, sealed in silk brocade is a long honoured tradition dating back to ancient times.  These are produced for  healing, protection & harmonising of  energies.

This “Golden Wheel” is the protective and harmonising Amulet of Manjushri, the Deity of Wisdom, pictured here holding the flaming sword, & can be used beneficially by any person

  • PROTECTS against general misfortune and hazards, at home or whilst travelling.
  • HARMONISES the functioning of the energies of life force, health, wealth, & fortune.
  • ENHANCES intelligence, clarity of mind and communication.



    INSIDE is a special parchment printed from an ancient woodblock design which is inscribed
    with the emblems and mantras of Manjushri,
    in the from of the Cosmic Turtle.  This  is then woven within the threads of the five elemental colours in a particular sequence, symbolising the binding of the five astrological forces into the golden element of earth.  It contains a blessed seed from the Nachung Oracle, the protective Deity of Tibet, who mysteriously guides the destiny and decisions of the Tibetan people.  It also contains a sacred pill empowered by a very high Lama.   The amulet is finally sealed within golden yellow brocade and laced with silk Tibetan blessing chord.


  • wear on the body or keep with personal items
  • hang above the entry door to a home or room
  • use in a car or whilst travelling



    Should NOT be removed from its gold covering.

    This particular amulet can only be produced by Tibetan Astro-medical practitioners trained at the Dalai Lama’s Astro-Medical Institute, since it is made according to traditional empowering forms, rituals and contents.  These amulets are made by Tibetan Astro practitioner, Tsering Dolma, specially for Tibastro Imports.

    SPECIAL AMULETS FOR HEALTH, CAREER, LIFE FORCE, LUCK, ETC.  based upon a person’s Tibetan horoscope are also available by direct order from us by special order.

    Click to order Golden Wheel Amulet

    Tibastro Imports
     PO Box 786
     VIC 3450